Tuesday, February 7, 2012

I promise!

I know a lot of people aren't looking for places to donate money, but please go to this site http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/141091137/shamed-a-documentary-feature-film (it's important enough that I'm actually listing the WHOLE site) and view both videos (and while listening to the song on the first video, read the captions regarding various statistics and quotes regarding pornography and sexual addictions--as they often go hand-in-hand).  As I am a mother, spouse, sister, friend, and child, there are so many unfortunate opportunities for this to affect my own life, and I know, unfortunately, it affects many of your lives (or will) in some way or another, as well--yes, even if you don't realize it.  Please, consider making a small donation if at all possible.  This is something I believe very strongly in, and realize that there are drastic changes that need to be made in our society to help those who struggle with such addictions.  I cannot express to you enough how much I fear for our young ones who will be raised in a world where these behaviors are normalized and/or shamed; even much worse than the world in which we were brought up.  But, if we are prepared, we shall not fear (D&C 38:30), and so, I hope we can put in the necessary means NOW (namely time, attention, money, spiritual and relationship uplifting activities, etc) that will catapult us into a prepared state when dealing with this issue.  Even if you cannot donate, please spread the word to those who can so we can make sure this project gets funded (it only has 7 more days to be funded or else it is dropped).  And when the documentary arrives, make sure you get out and see it! I promise, it will be enlightening and enabling if you make that effort.

*Make sure you watch the videos!  They aren't long and they give the information to you so much better than I ever could.  I am just not very profound (as if that wasn't obvious).*

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