Thursday, October 13, 2011

The house

So, after finally finishing putting everything away from the move, and then tackling 7 loads of laundry I was behind on because of the move, I was/am exhausted. It took me a little while, because I started having pain in my lower abdomen and didn't feel like I could lift up the stairs; even if it was a tiny or lightweight one.  Devin was so busy with work, that it became a long and mundane process as I told him what I needed moved and to where (he hates when I tell him what to do and I had/have a LONG honey-do list) right when he got home from work, but it was just getting to a point where I knew if I kept lifting heavy things, we would be disappointed with the results.  I have also been doing quite a bit of painting, so I  think I've been pushing my body to the max.  I probably went up and down the ladder approximately 80 times this weekend, along with all of my up and downs and all arounds with the paint roller, and the moving of took quite a toll on this pregnant girl's body.  But I am finished with the big stuff, and can now just worry about the painting and decorating.  Still a lot of work, but at least our house is livable.

 Here are the before pictures of our house though...and later, I'll post each individual room as I finish it.  Which will probably take forever.  But I'm working on it.  And actually, most of the pictures are fuzzy.  PRobably because I downloaded them off the internet (they are what it looked like with the previous owners stuff).  I just didn't want to send you to the sight, because that would completely give away our address.  And it may anyway for people smart enough to figure it out with the pictures, but I'm not computer savvy enough to fix that problem.  Anyway, have a happy day!

On second note, every time I try (for days I've tried this, mind you) to load the pictures from my mac, a thumbnail pops up saying the server is down.  Is there something I don't know?  How do I upload my pictures on this computer??


Addie Joyce said...

PREGNANT?? How do you just drop that in there?? Congratulations! Maybe I missed it in some other post but I don't think so. I'm glad everything's coming together and hope you're having some fun too

Shelise said...

Congrats on being pregnant. We're all so excited for you. How many week are you then? 5? So exciting.

I'll be excited to see each room.